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Restraining Order Attorneys in San Francisco & San Mateo

The attorneys at the family law firm of Lurkis, Joyce & Del Bove, LLP represent clients in restraining order proceedings and all matters related to domestic violence restraining orders throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area.

We understand that domestic violence is a serious matter that requires serious remedies.

Our attorneys are highly experienced with a wide variety of cases involving domestic violence, and we zealously protect our clients in cases that involve domestic violence.

We are thoroughly familiar with the process of pursuing a restraining order in California, and have successfully obtained them on behalf of our clients.

We are also aware that false allegations of domestic violence sometimes occur in the context of divorce and child custody proceedings, and we are uniquely capable of defending our clients from such allegations in family law proceedings and restraining order hearings.

Whether in the context of divorce proceedings, or any other circumstances involving domestic violence or related claims, our restraining order attorneys are focused on making the experience as easy as possible for you, while ensuring your safety, and the best possible outcomes for you and your family.

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Domestic violence is all too common, and a very serious matter. If you feel that you and/or a member of your family are in physical danger, the first thing we encourage you to do is to contact your local police. Once the police are present, you can ask for, and may be granted an immediate emergency restraining order, regardless of the day or time.

If you are experiencing or have experienced abuse in the home, or on the part of a current or former spouse, partner, family member, or someone with whom you share a child, whether the abuse or threats relate to physical violence, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, we encourage you to obtain experienced legal counsel to advise you of your rights and to pursue a domestic violence restraining order on your behalf.

Once the restraining order is in place, the restrained individual can be arrested and face criminal charges for any violation, which can include attempting to contact you, or going near you or your children or other family members, or their places of work, school or residence, or owning or being in possession of a firearm.

Restraining Order Defense

Restraining orders can result in a substantial loss of personal freedom and have real financial and personal consequences for a restrained person, including in some cases a mandatory change of residence, restriction from going to certain places, and loss of the right to own and carry firearms during the duration of an order.

Penalties for violating a restraining order can include arrest, imprisonment and substantial fines.

If you are facing a restraining order hearing, or have been accused of violating a restraining order, we encourage you to seek qualified counsel to advise you of your rights and to help you obtain the best possible outcome in a difficult situation.

The attorneys at the family law firm of Lurkis, Joyce & Del Bove, LLP represent clients in restraining order proceedings and all matters related to domestic violence restraining orders throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area.